Thursday, April 3, 2008


I joined this writing workshop which helps a person improve his style of writing.
But when I tell people about it they all give me the same reaction ”Why do you need a writing school. Don't you already know how to write?”
I don’t have a proper answer for it. If I told them that I joined it because I liked writing and I wanted to improve on it or that I wanted to learn something new as I was bored of my monotonous life in office, I could actually see them rollin their eyes . But the bottom line is that it really helped me a lot. Our instructor in the writing school was a real fascinating man named Prashant Rajkhowa. He was such a talented guy (a reporter, journalist, director, producer, scuba diver and bartender) . It was a pleasure just to listen to him. I learnt so many new and interesting things from him.

People think that it is weird to join a class that teaches you ‘how to write’, sumthing that we already know. But it is a myth. After attending the workshop I realized how less I knew and there is so much more to learn.
The writing class was an experience to cherish. I became a lot richer(with knowledge) after this course.


Unknown said...

u r right debi even i m bored of this office life..
i m feeling safe but bored..
so i think u have utilised ur time for good reason...
nd u know what u want in life and got that attitude & discipline to achieve it.
one thing which i have realized from this post that
life is too rich to fear trying something new....

Mile by mile, life's a trial.
Yard by yard, life is hard.
But inch by inch, life's a cinch!

Abhi said...

I am sure such workshops are interesting.. never been to one, but I think another way to learn is to change. I tried writing fiction piece, something I never did before, and I loved it :) Thats my blog that is..